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I'm back from my vacation. Unemployment for one day since I was on "vacation" until today. I spent the day trying not to get depressed.

The work I did was/is work I loved. I'm going to miss it. There's a meeting tomorrow with one of my pet projects that I won't be attending now. The fruits of my labour coming to fruition and someone else will take the glory. That freakin' pisses me off.

Apparently my dismissal/resignation has started making the rounds with many different people wanting to know the story from those they think have the answers.

I was actually invited to tomorrow's meeting. Someone attending thought it would make a big splash into my new position.

The day after I was dismissed/resigned, I was talking with the department head of one of our partners to let her know and she offered me contract work the day I returned.

She sent me a message this morning wanting a meeting with me at 1:30 today but I decided to spend the day being angry and depressed and spent most of it in bed then part of it at the movies. I returned her call when I got home. She wanted me to go on her behalf to the meeting tomorrow because I know the file backwards and forwards and my former boss/friend will be there and she probably has no clue since she never read any of my emails on the subject and what we should do so it would have been amusing to attend and be sitting on the other side of the table.

But I'm still pissed off and irritated. So instead I'll be developing templates and questionnaires for interviews I'll be conducting for the contract work I'll be doing.

I'm supposed to return all of my equipment and files by last Friday. I think they expect me to bring them in. I'm not going to. I'm going to box them up and then have them send someone to pick them up. Since I'm no longer in their employ, I'm not driving the 40 km return trip to the office on my time.

A friend of mine is also getting me free legal advice. There's a contract that was signed for employment that should be honoured.

Now that I'm on contracting hours, I'll actually be making more than I was before. Without the benefits but the benefits weren't that great to begin with.

I am going to miss my blackberry. I spent the day deleting gmail and twitterberry from it along with other programs and personal contact information. I might buy the storm and just upgrade my personal hardware. But that sucks.



About me

  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
  • My profile

ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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