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Weird. My first post I typed out disappeared. It's one of those days.

My roommate got a call this morning by the police asking to speak with me. She advised that I wasn't home as my car was gone. The police officer asked if there was a way to get a hold of me as they have my car in their custody.


So, she knocks on my door at 7 am, waking me up because for the first time in awhile I fell asleep early and slept late. I usually go to sleep at 1 or 2 lately and am awake at 6. This time, I'm asleep by 10 and still asleep by 7.

I'm told the police are on the phone. I say hello. They tell me they've recovered my car.


Of course, I'm still half asleep and 100% in shock and she tells me there's damage to the door and damage to the ignition but otherwise okay and they're towing it now and I have to call 911 to file a report and I'll get more information then.

Now, yes, I do have the club. And 99% of the time the club is on.

I got home yesterday afternoon in time to catch the Habs game. I had every intention of going out after the game was over to do some errands before my trip to Auckland on Friday. Then I started cleaning up while watching the game and decided to do laundry while waiting and then sending out text messages to friends and watching the other games and then folding laundry and cleaning out my suitcase and...you get the picture. I got distracted by other things and ended up not going out at all. Had I gone out, I would have put the club on the car before retiring for the night. But I didn't. So I didn't. And my car gets stolen.

Now I'm stuck at home without a vehicle and a crapload of stuff that needs to get done where a vehicle is necessary.

This freakin' sucks.

And this is why you shouldn't leave things until the last minute.

I love my car. I'm ashamed I was thinking of getting a new one when I got back to Vancouver. Granted, now I may have to because this one seems to have a lot of bad mojo lately.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
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