Perhaps it was the universe righting itself but I lost every single dime I had in my FTP bank - approximately $180,000 in chips. Talk about a clusterfuck. I suppose since it took me about a week to build that up, it'll take me a month this time.I'm trying not to get addicted to playing in tournaments.I might be going to Victoria this weekend. I've thought of every feasible excuse to not meet some friends there and they've been all shot down and I fear if I refuse, they'll be extremely disappointed in me and you know what a people pleaser I am.I sat in on one of the most boring meetings in my life all freakin' day. Halfway through I was wondering how far a fall it would be and then remembered it'd hurt upon landing. Nothing like a bunch of bureaucrats who don't know how to think outside the box. I don't know how long this committee's been up and running as I wasn't given the background information but they've lasted long enough to have an over-inflated sense of self.I threw out a couple of suggestions and recommendations and then gave out my email address to half of those in attendance who came up to talk to me after the meeting was over and thank me for my comments.The troubling aspect is my recommendations were common sense recommendations. Something those in attendance should already know. I think this was probably the fourth or fifth meeting. Enough for them to draft a terms of reference, hire a contractor and develop a list of measurables.One of my colleagues at work was sitting on this. She tends to get in over her head, probably says something completely off base and then seeks to offload the file when she can't handle it anymore.While I might babble incoherently on this blog, in work situations I choose my words carefully. I only speak when I think I have a vital point to make. Something that a few of those in attendance should take to heart. Maybe it's because aside from this committee they are stuffed in a box all day without air or contact with other people so they use every opportunity to flex their brain muscle.Me, I attend a dozen or so boring meetings a month and long for the solitude of my home office. Primarily because the faces of the people may change but the lack of originality never does. It's the only aspect of my job I don't like. But then it's fun to go sometimes and rock a few boats. I'm a few months behind on my expense claims and intend on handing those in asap. Especially with year end coming up. And my trip to Oz still on the table.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth, Obama 2008