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So, they're leaving tomorrow. They're out at a movie right now - 3D IMax - so I have the house to myself and I'm on my own bed while my sheets are being washed along with my duvet cover because I was feeding my nephew cookies and having fun watching him make a mess and forgot the mess was all over my bed.

I started reading this one blog and the person seems like s/he's very full of him/herself. I'm not sure if it's arrogance or just lack of self-awareness on the fact that s/he comes across as arrogance. I'll continue reading until I decide which category s/he falls into.

Blogging in and of itself is a form of narcissism, duh.

So, my awesome trip to New York is cancelled. I had the option of fixing my car or going to New York. I'm not pleased with how much it's costing me to fix. I'm totally not. But I'll put up with it since at the end of it's life, my car has been a lot of fun. And it's not nearly the end. After the latest repairs, aside from a few cosmetic things that need fixing, it'll be on it's a-game.

I hate it when people call and leave arbitrary messages. I've called them back and left arbritrary messages as a rebuttal and they haven't learned.

I've been so freakin' insanely busy I totally forgot it's a long weekend this weekend and made no plans whatsoever so a friend and I may check out The Dark Knight in I-Max since I'm obviously not going anywhere, especially with car repair costs.

I'm supposed to go car shopping with another friend but she just brought her father back from a mexican hospital, I don't want to impose something so frivolous on her when she's nursing him back to health.

Even I'm not that selfish. Who knows, maybe I'll find a poker game. I randomly ran into a friend at a store a few days ago and we talked about playing poker sometime soon.

Seriously. It could take over my life if I let it. A friend called earlier asking me if I wanted to go play a few games and if my brother wasn't here I probably would have.

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About me

  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
  • My profile

ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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