Thank God I only have one sister. I don't think I could do this again. Thank God they're all married off. I don't think I could handle the pressure of organizing a wedding.
Things went off without a hitch. We made it to the Church only five minutes late. Not bad considering how many tasks we had to get done today.
And I handled all the pressure like a champ. If I ever wanted to make this a business, I know I'd succeed. But I don't think I could put up with brides I don't love.
The best part of the wedding:
I can't wait to get back home tomorrow. My home where I'm not being dragged into 20 different directions. My own bed.
I'm sick. I've lost my voice. Tomorrow's flight is going to suck. But the end result is home.
I love my family more than anything but being a middle child sucks.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth, Obama 2008