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Delete is such a weird word when you look at it long enough. Considering I just spent the past half hour looking at while deleting messages from my blackberry, I think it's rather bizarre. But then maybe most words do look weird. Even bizarre looks weird.

Dentist appointment tomorrow. Since you lazy a$$es forgot to tell me, be thankful my dentist's assistant called to remind me.

First day back at work today after 2 weeks off. I'd rather have more time off. I'm thinking of applying for a different job. Pretty much same field, same building, different email address, probably more money.

Nothing really to write about except I remembered I want 365 posts this year and some of those will be crap. Most of them will be.

Oilers are playing the Islanders right now. This had the potential to be a very depressing game if Ryan Smyth decided to sign with them. But he didn't. So I just get to laugh whenever the Rexall Crowd boos Duff's boyfriend, Mikey. Oh yeah. The Oilers are winning 3-0 going into the 3rd period. The first goal by Hemsky was sweet. Takes away from the sting of Raffi Bear Torres being out for the rest of the season.

I have approximately $44,000.00 in my fulltilt poker bank. I'm just that good.

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About me

  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
  • My profile

ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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