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The good news is I didn't buy myself any presents yesterday. The bad news is I didn't buy anyone presents yesterday either. Until now, that is. It is approximately 3:05 am and I couldn't sleep after watching another episode of Dexter so I did what any other insomniac would do, 5 days before Christmas. I went to Wal-mart and eliminated 3 people from my list. Thanks to commercialism and greed, it's open 24 hours until Christmas Eve. And it wasn't that bad to navigate through, ample parking, quick checkout, no desire to punch people in the face. If only Futureshop and Linens-N-Things would do the same thing, I'd be completely done all shopping.

Today's just a half day of work so I'm using comp overtime to take the whole freakin' day off and complete all my shopping. And maybe catch a movie I know the rugrats wouldn't want to see when they get here, thus making us all happy.

I don't know how much blogging I'll get done from Sunday on as family'll be here for Lord knows how long.

Boney M's Christmas album is the best Christmas album. Forget all this Michael Buble or Bing Cosby crap.


My niece, lil bear, won't give me her brother for Christmas because, "he's my brother." but she's willing to give up her older sister. I can't say I blame her. Her older sister is always keeping her from having fun (read: getting arrested) and her little brother is always doing whatever she tells him to do.

My beloved (tm) Oilers play tonight against the Devils. I figured out why they lost last time. I hung up my Oil jersey. I have to leave it where it was when they were winning in shootouts.

The one thing Wal-mart didn't have that I really, really wanted was ovation chocolates. I knew there was a reason I didn't like Wal-mart.

More favourites of 2007:

1. Matthew Good's "Hospital Music" cd. I was never a fan of the whole MGB but bought Hospital Music because former blogger Neil was a huge fan and since he downloaded some DMB, I figured I could at least fork out the $9.99 for Hospital Music. Born Losers was one of the top 10 songs from 2007.

2. The discovery of novels by Dennis Lehane. When I find a new author I relate to, I absorb all their work. I have to read everything they've ever written. My library of books from Dean Koontz, Ann Rule, John Grisham, and Tom Clancy is a testament to that. In fact, if Chapters was open right now, I'd be back there again, picking up the next couple of books to read.

3. Cranberry scented candles. I kid you not, there are very few scents that could smell as nice.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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Grace 2006
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