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Can you believe I'm on par for 365 posts this year? Usually, I would have become bored and not bothered after a week or two.

Last night I braved the cold and snow to meet a couple of girlfriends for dinner as part of Dine Out Vancouver. I was tempted to cancel due to car tires that aren't the greatest, but I forged ahead anyway. I made these dinner plans a month ago and had to revise the date, time, number of party at least half a dozen times. I was waiting for the restaurant to just say, "We will no longer accept your reservation as you're a pain in the ass" with how many times it was changed. I'm glad they didn't. Great dinner, great conversation. As much as I dislike the whole "Sex & the City" philosophy, it is funny when friends carry some of the traits. My friend, M, is sort of like "Charlotte". She's always wanting to set everyone up, always believes in "love". Gag.

She was wanting to sign me up for
AirTroductions given how much I travel. She is, of course, married. She has it in her head that there's "someone for everyone". Very dreamy. I said, "sure, sign up for something like that, with my history of always being seated next to an idiot. Being stuck on a flight with someone you signed up to meet and you're stuck making conversation for 5 hours and there's NO ESCAPE. You can't get your girlfriend to call you with an emergency and leave. YOU'RE STUCK. On a plane. You can't ask the flight attendant to change seats based solely on the fact you messed up and the guy's a freak." She didn't think of it that way. To which I replied, "That's why I'm in the job I'm in." You plan for the worst, hope for the best. It was quite an entertaining conversation.

I'm supposed to go into the office today for a meeting but with icy road conditions in the direction I'm heading, I'm re-thinking the need to sit through yet another boring meeting.

I woke up this morning hoping to work on some notes I need to write and instead wasted the morning on the phone, on ebay selling tickets I have to Friday's Oilers game I have no intention of using (I hate Dallas) and posting on facebook and replying to emails on facebook. You get the picture.

And congratulations to me, no sooner did I post my tickets, I received an email from someone asking to buy both sets of tickets. Extra money in my pocket for my trip to Australia.

I pray that when I go to Ottawa in a few weeks, I'm not met with the weather Vancouver is having now. I decided I'm leaving on a Friday for Tuesday's meeting and going to Toronto for the weekend to visit a friend for the weekend and then get to Ottawa on Monday sometime. I wasn't going to do that because the Avs were in town the weekend prior to Ottawa but with Ryan Smyth out for 6 weeks or so with a fractured ankle, there's no sense in going to the Avs game. The Oilers are in town the weekend after that so I'll be back to see my boys. Even though their game last night was nothing to brag about. Please let the sale to Katz go through.

And through the course of writing this email, I sold my tickets to the Oilers game AND received an instant payment. See? I'm not the only insane Oilers fan out there who will go to games regardless of the season they're having. Apparently the dude is taking his 6 year old boy to the game and DRIVING from Saskatchewan to watch it.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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Grace 2006
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