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Despite being as tired as all get out, I made it to the gym after my meetings and worked the treadmill and other contraptions for an hour of straight cardio. Then it was shower and a nap. If my blackberry didn't start going off, I probably would have slept the whole night away.

I'm probably back here in 3 weeks. I managed to convince my peeps to book this hotel again instead of the other one.

I had planned on ordering a nice bottle of wine and finish reading my book (another Dennis Lehane). Instead I'm awake, playing poker because I napped too long and I'm afraid my body doesn't know what schedule it's on anymore.

I have a flight back to Vancouver and while the smart me should have taken the direct flight at 8 am, I would rather sleep in and have a stopover in Toronto. Hopefully the flights aren't cancelled like they were today due to inclimate weather.

My boys lost tonight. Probably because they knew I wasn't watching. Damn sportsnet east.

I need a vacation. I have far too much work to do and not enough hours in the day to do it.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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