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I can't believe that people working security at airports actually believe their own hype of "putting their lives on the line everyday" for us b.s. Since when did they become soldiers? I asked that question when they wanted to "test" my laptop for a "security" reason and took my boarding card. I can't believe we, as Canadians, are such lemmings in this regard. I have to check my baggage because of my body wash as it poses a risk. Risk of what? Being clean? But not for that body wash I could carry it on the plane with me.

And I hate being held hostage by cab drivers. This isn't my first time to Ottawa asshat, I know the direction to the airport so stop giving me a tour of the city. You get on Bronson and drive straight. And fast. None of this 50 km bullshit. The slower you go, the longer it takes, the smaller your tip.

I'm in a very bad mood now for the above reasons and it just got worse because in my haste I forgot my iPod at the hotel. FUCK!!!!

A friend is stopping by there and picking it up for me. He said "thanks for the gift" and I said "you're welcome" and now he's really curious about the "crap" I listen to and will courier it to me after checking it out.

Now I'm stuck on a plane for the rest of the day and no music. THAT's a risk. Not my laptop.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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