Today is Wayne Gretzky's birthday. The original baby daddy. The first man to ever break my heart, first when he got married, then when he got traded. After a party last night, my alarm went off early this morning and I met a friend for breakfast and drove him to the airport. He's actually probably my closest guy friend. He's pissed I won't be around during the 12th as he would have been in the vicinity of where I was supposed to be at a meeting and we could have had lunch. I gave him names of others who would be there and he said, "It's just not the same."Back to Wayne Gretzky. I remember the day he got traded like it was yesterday. His trade actually made Ryan Smyth's trade a bit easier because by then I was used to disappointment. It still stings though.I have to admit I'm very stressed lately. I have about 5 documents to read and brief about and a binder to put together as there's been a passing off on a file to a different figure who now needs to be updated on every project our offices are working on. Granted, I'm given two weeks to do that but I'm sure they want it yesterday, especially when the teleconference is next week.
I've been carrying more responsibility at work. A tonne more. It's hard to keep up. I tend to overanalyze so the worst analyst in me thinks they're doing this to prove me incompetent when in actuality it's because they have too much faith in me. I need to be two people to do the work I'm doing.
I like my job but I wish I only had half the workload. I want to go back to school but I'd completely flunk out as I don't think there can be a fine balance between what I'm doing now and actual schoolwork. Something would suffer and since school wouldn't be paying me, it'd be the first to go.
As a result, I'll be working this weekend. I want to finish at least 3 of the briefings before our meetings on Monday and would like to be done them all before my meeting on Wednesday.
On top of it all, I’m addressing wedding invitations and stopped off this morning to pick up stamps. Again, I’m too awesome at everything I do that I get relied upon too much. And there’s no hockey to watch to provide a pleasant distraction.
Life could be worse.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth