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I made it to Ottawa. Although hours late. For some reason a flight from Vancouver delayed my flight from Regina to Winnipeg, which would have made me miss the connecting flight to Ottawa. For all the crap Air Canada customer service gets, they worked to get me to Ottawa last night (or early this morning as the case may be) so I wouldn't miss half my meetings by getting in this afternoon.

I left Regina direct to Toronto. I had half an hour to get to my next gate (which is outside the legal limits of a connecting flight as the minimum, I was told, is 45 minutes) and hope my luggage made it too. Our flight was early but to add stress to the already freakin' long day, we sat on the runway waiting for our gate which could have made me late. It didn't and thankfully the gate was only 5 away from where we landed. And my luggage made it on too.

My plane landed after 1 and I got to my hotel just after 2. I probably looked homeless or tired or just plain old grumpy and the front desk guy took pity on me and upgraded my room. This place is pretty nice. At least compared to the hotel we usually get stuck in. The internet isn't free but it's a small price to pay for a pretty sweet suite.

I'm a bit late for my meeting because I didn't want to get out of bed. Actually I'm missing breakfast. But a shower and blogging is more important, apparently.

I lost my Oilers toque, to add insult to injury, in Regina. I think I dropped it in the airport and when I turned around to pick it up about 50 feet from where it probably fell (below the escalatar) it was gone. Freakin' grey cup stealing thieves.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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