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Overall, yesterday wasn't so bad. Had a meeting first thing in the morning. It was snowing. Had our Christmas Lunch, then we all went bowling.

I'm Christmas shopping all weekend and hope to be done my entire list before Sunday rolls around. I was going to take the easy way out and buy iPods for the kids but my brother beat me to it. @#$%^&*! Now I'm going to have to think and actually shop.

And to top off all the holiday cheer, the a$$hats the own the Oilers are hopefully finally going sell to one person who will then save us from ourselves. I've been holding off buying into the whole season seat waitlist thing but am tempted to do that now. The Oilers are 6-3-1 in the last 10 games and are 9-2 in overtime. Boo yah.

I love that the Global TV morning newscast is all caucasian. It speaks greatly to this so-called multi-cultural, diverse city we live in!

I'm so glad this week is almost over. I may book out early to catch a matinee. I am, after all, Legend.

Oil take on the nucks tomorrow. Oddly enough, despite the sucky season the Oilers are having, they're only 5 points out of first place in their division.

I do miss Ryan though. I want him for Christmas. Or Roman Hamrlik. Or Sheldon Souray. Or Ethan Moreau but I can't promise not to injure him. Love hurts.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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Grace 2006
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