People are really starting to piss me off, yet they remain blissfully ignorant of that fact.
How hard is it to do something?
I'm as busy as all get out but I still make the time when people ask me for something. For example, a friend of mine was flying out to New Zealand yesterday. I've been in meetings all week, that continue today. Yesterday, I was downtown, then had to drive to the northshore to pick up things at the office, then had to drive to her place to pick her up and make sure she's at the airport on time, but I still managed to because THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO.
They don't make up bullshit excuses. And all excuses are bullshit.
I have so much crap to do. In fact, if I don't leave soon I'll be late for meetings, but I still managed to log on and pay bills.
My point is, there's always time to do something if you care enough. Some people just don't. Self-centred egotistical, ethnocentric assholes. And I'm at that point where I'm fed up and can walk away.
I need a vacation.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth