So yesterday was a good day. I've been attending local meetings, talking with people I'm supposed to support.And debate ensued. I'm quite entertaining when I debate, apparently.We had a member from an organization whose duty it is to consult and they haven't been. But they made representation yesterday that they have been to a room full of people who can only take them at their word.So I sat back and listened and wrote down responses and waited. I gave them an opportunity to take back their misrepresentation but they didn't. At the end of their presentation I stood up and corrected them.They took offense, stood up and tried to school me.I stood up and said, "I don't want to turn this into a debate but...."They stood up and responded. I was thinking of not. But did.It's funny because members of their staff, whose hands are tied by the very policy I was debating, came up to me at the end and thanked me for being a voice.I could have kept doing it all day.Because, really, I love a debate.Monday I went out for cheap margaritas, last night I went out with a friend whose in town for a couple of days, tomorrow is our staff party.I may just take next week off because after sitting down and filling out my overtime request, since the middle of November I've worked 61 hours of overtime. That's 9 hours short of two weeks, which is insane, which has probably lead me to make bad decisions. And lead me to start drinking a bit more than I usually do.On a good note, the Oilers are doing not bad!Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth