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This weekend's expedition to malls has re-affirmed my belief most people are complete and utter idiots.

And I bought one gift. I do have the lead on two others though. But I'm just not in a shopping mood.

If you haven't downloaded The Killers' "Don't Shoot Me Santa Claus", go do it now! Best Christmas song, ever. And is it just me or does Brandon Flowers sound a lot like Roy Orbison?

I fear I am becoming addicted to poker. It's a lot like chess. Strategy. Thinking moves/cards ahead. I'm no master chess player because I don't have the patience to learn every single move so poker may be an alternative. Plus it's about reading people, analyzing.

During bouts of insomnia, there's always a poker game on TV. I think my favourite is Phil Ivey but Erick Lundgren is up there too. And Clonie Gowan.

Because, for whatever reason,
Mike thinks I have it easy, I'm going to tell you about a colleague.


She isn't a co-worker but we work "collaboratively" on a lot of things. She started maybe 2 months after I did and, thankfully, took over some of the files I was working on, which freed up a lot of my time. Or so I thought. I gave her all the materials I had, forwarded her all the emails I received, etc. Now, I only had the files for maybe a month. I attended one meeting. I set up others. I didn't have enough time to get my teeth into the issues as it was more reactionary to other people's needs. I did a briefing note for her telling her the history, as far as I knew, and the status. It should have been end of story. But no.

I get emails from her CONSTANTLY asking if I know this or I know that, or what was done here or what was done there. WHAT PART OF MY PREVIOUS EMAILS DID SHE NOT UNDERSTAND? She is, by far, the most annoying person I know and I know a lot of annoying people. And the reason I'm telling you about her now is because I get an email from her at 5 am this morning. My blackberry is on because it's technically no longer a weekend and it's my alarm clock so I HEAR the email coming in. I have said, "I have sent you all the information I have" in at least half a million different emails but she NEVER GIVES UP. I was at a meeting with her last week and she had the nerve to tell me what I had to do. I corrected her language. I may have a nice job, but the trade-off of having to put up with her sometimes isn't worth it.

I can't wait for the end of this week.

Did anyone see the Oilers' amazing win against the 'nucks on Saturday? boo yah. Sorry,

Update: I kid you not. I'm not the only one that thinks Brandon Flowers sounds like Roy Orbison. After I posted this, someone came by my site via googling, "don't shoot me santa roy orbison". Am I amazing or am I amazing. Now they can go download The Killers!

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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ATOM 0.3

Grace 2006
Background courtesy RyeGuy
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