the way, thanks to my favourite person on the internet RyeGuy for the banner.
A girl can dream:
It's so very tempting to just get up and go sometimes. Wanderlust is hitting me again. Even though it involves air travel.
It's all because a friend of mine is getting married in Australia next year and I'm trying to reach a pleasant balance between wanting to do two things that are both very expensive.
I can't believe I've only done 127 posts this year. I think I was going strong up until the whole "new job" thing.
We got our asses handed to us at our meetings earlier this week on top of almost dying getting there. And I really don't mind it. In fact, I encouraged them to speak freely.
Really, I've been through every sort of meeting where I've been called down personally or they've made disparaging comments about my family. I've learned not to take anything personally. In fact, there are only two things that really tick me off. One is any comments about my Oilers and any comments about the leader of the party I belong to.
In fact, while in extremely cold weather and sitting at a bar talking to my colleague, we started talking and this guy joined the conversation. He's from vancity and he made a comment about our leader and I went on not quite a rant but about why they shouldn't believe the media hype. We exchanged email addresses and have been emailing. He said that if I have the time, he would like to become more educated on all the matters we talked about here in Vancouver.
I'm thinking of pulling a Ciavarro and password protecting this blog. It's always been about me. Me venting, yelling, screaming, crying, etc. I've been holding a lot back and not been able to vent because some things are too personal in nature yet they have to be said, written, etc. so I can be free of guilt and get things off my mind. I've thought of moving the blog again altogether but that's just too much trouble.
Who knows. We'll see.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth