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So despite being as tired as f*ck, and due to the Cheese Man's constant texts, I went to the Oilers game last night. And the Oilers won! Now Pat's in trouble because I'm very superstitious and will now believe that we must go to all Oilers games in Vancouver together. Which is also why I highly doubt I'll ever go to another game with Mitch again since the Oilers lost the game we went to.

Canuck fans crack me up. They can sit there and chant with pride, "Oilers suck" but when I start chanting "Vancouver sucks" I'm told I'm taking the game too personally. Huh? If one chant isn't taking it too personal, how could the other? But, apparently because we're in Vancouver, the chants aren't personal. Whatever.

Pat's seen first hand why I don't drink at games.

It's good to be home.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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Grace 2006
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