I'm home, sick, with a "mild" case of bronchitis. I knew I was going to get sick too. On the flight home last Wednesday, I sat beside this sweet old couple. I wasn't supposed to. My seat was actually 24A but this dude, who was supposed to sit in 25A, obviously didn't know how to read. Instead of making him get up and go sit in his own seat, I told him I could just sit in his. No good deed goes unpunished. But the old couple were very nice. They kept offering me snacks they brought on. Including a fishermen's whatever pill which lead me to believe they're carrying some kind of disease. Sure enough, Thursday I started feeling sick. By the time Saturday rolled around I was full blown sick. At my Mom's insistence, even though she's 1,000 miles away, I went to the doctor's yesterday. First time I left the house since Friday actually. It was tiring. Which lead me to believe I actually had something worse than a common cold. I'm on antibiotics now and feeling a bit better. Finally had a decent night's sleep last night (a full 6 hours, woohoo!!)
The bitch of it is, I was going to take Friday off. I still might because it's cheaper to fly to Calgary during the day than the evening.
Saturday I'm off to Edmonton to see Jason Smith back as a Philadelphia Flyer.
Sunday, turkey dinner at my sister's.
Monday, flying back to Vancouver.
Time's flying by so fast. It's already freakin' October. Next thing you know, Christmas will be here, then New Year's and boom it all begins again.
After giving it much more thought, and being reasonable, I decided to wait until after my sister's wedding in March to go to Europe. Makes more sense. New Year's I might go to Ontario to spend with friends. We're thinking about driving to Buffalo to catch the outdoor Penguins/Sabres game because that's how we roll.
I've been thinking a lot about this residential school settlement that's happening right now and I'm worried for a lot of people. As I've said before, my parents both went to residential school. So did all of my aunts, uncles. In fact, most people I know that are 40+ went to residential school. It's been bringing back a lot of buried memories. And that's just the filling out of the paperwork. My parents filled theirs out a few days ago and it's bringing up unpleasant memories. Even my Dad, who's normally so strong, started feeling like crying. That had my Mom worried. But I told her, it's better to talk about the feelings than repress them so she's been talking to other people and getting them talking.
My Mom's decided to be a part of the truth and reconciliation process, where the stories are written into a part of Canadian history. These next few months are going to be tough. I have a lot more to say on this subject but I keep getting distracted by emails from work and tv and just being too tired.
Hockey season begins soon!!!!Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth