One of my favourite songs is, "No Woman, No Cry", originally done by Bob Marley & The Wailers and remixed by The Fugees.For whatever reason, that song gets to me.I wasn't all that much into football this year. The Patriots used to be my team until Tom Brady turned into an ass and the Pats were caught spying on other teams. It left me without anyone to really cheer for. Being the Pats fan that I was, I couldn't get on the green machine known as the Packers even though sentamentally, it would have been nice to have Brett Favre in the 'bowl even though a few years ago I couldn't stand the man.I'm not a fan of the Mannings either. So what's a girl to do. Concentrate on hockey and decide who to cheer for next year. I'm leaning towards Seattle, if only for geographical purposes.So I spent most of my time yesterday reading political blogs and finishing a Dennis Lehane book. Even poker's gotten boring. Such is the life of a sagittarian, I guess. Everything eventually becomes boring.I'm just biding my time until tomorrow. Super Tuesday. I'm scared that America will resort back to what's safe and bad for you, without wanting to take the risk. A friend of mine has a theory on who supporters gravitate to and I'll have to test that theory out when in Ottawa next week.
I'm 70% sure the Oilers will miss the playoffs this year. I was sitting in a meeting on Friday where people knew what the right thing to do was, but were afraid of the consequences. To which I replied, "fear of reprecussions shouldn't stop us from heading towards the truth." I now have to write about the meeting and see if I took the right approach myself.I find it interesting, blogs written by women, who are so forceful in their comments on supporting Hillary Clinton. Just because she's a woman. I've never believed that to build your candidate up, you have to put others down. On this one particular blog, a commenter made reference to how sick she was on the "rock star" quality of Obama and how Hillary is "historical". Excuse me? Both are historical. She made reference to how African-Americans were granted voting rights 50 years before women. What she failed to reference was the fact that while African-Americans were given the right to vote, they weren't necessarily allowed to until after women were granted the privilege.And her comment that "men of any race" were allowed to 50 years also irked me. People will spout rhetoric and histrionics to suit their need without fully researching their position. Native Americans were not granted the "right" to vote until 4 years after women were. And even then, they met the same resistance from states that African-Americans did.My point, I suppose, that people alienate voters from their candidate by their actions, not the actions of the person they support. They polarize and they entrench, instead of reach out and listen. I remember this same attitude at the Liberal Leadership Convention. I went as an "independent" with no loyalty to anyone on the first ballot except for my word that I would vote for Stephane Dion until he fell off the ballot. Throughout the whole convention process and meeting of other delegates, you always had to have in the back of your mind who your second choice was should your candidate be removed.I've always believed you surround yourself with likeness, and are judged by the company you keep. Sadly, Ignatieff delegates were rude, arrogant and at times condescending. There was a sense of entitlement amongst those that I met, save for one. When they'd see my S.D. swag, they'd ask what I'm doing after my chosen candidate fell off the wagon. An inevitable reality, I was told. Of course I'd have to support the only candidate that is right for the job. Polarizing. Marginalizing. Wrong approach.As a Dion delegate, we were told never to say anything bad about another candidate, to never push people to vote for him with too much vigor. Make your points, listen to theirs and hope they give a thought to SD should their candidate unfortunately fall off the ballot. Don't be pushy. Just give your name, let them know where they could reach you, etc.And it's an approach that worked. Grassroots, not pushy, no marginalizing, no entrenchment.
It's why I have faith that whenever the next federal election is held, Dion will triumph.
Of course, after losing the sour taste of the Ignatieff campaign, I've started looking at the man himself. Very graceful, very passionate, very smart. If only his delegates displayed those qualities, it might have been a different outcome.After boot camp tomorrow I'll probably be one of the nerds going to a Super Tuesday party. It's how I roll. I've been trying to figure out how much of a refund I'll be getting back this year. I wasn't that great of a Canadian, methinks. I only donated $100 to charity. About half what I usually do. But then, people didn't exactly hit me up for donations so I'm trying not to feel bad.Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth, Obama 2008