Well. I didn't die today. That's a good thing. There were a couple of times that I wanted to. Prayed for it even. Plotted taking others out with me and going down in a blaze of glory. But I didn't.
Where I'm getting the energy to type this out, I have no idea. How I'm able to, is beyond my comprehension.
I have a mission this year. I haven't had a mission in years. And that mission is to get my ass back in shape. I was thinking back to even just a few years ago when I could run on the treadmill for an hour, watching a TV show and not even want to die. Now I can't even run a kilometre without wanting to dial 911. And the bad thing about being a former gym junkie, is you never had to worry about what you ate. I can blame pneumonia a few years ago for completely sapping me of all my energy but it's entirely my own fault. I changed my exercise regime completely but didn't change my eating habits at all.
I've decided to write it all out on this blog as my motivation to keep it up. Because if there's something I need it's to be pushed and to be motivated. The second I get bored with something, I quit. I move on. I can't with this. I have this pair of pants that is one of my favourite pairs and I can't fit into them anymore so I've hung them on a hanger and have it hanging from the wall as motivation. I want to fit back in.
This isn't a new year's resolution at all. This has been something I've been meaning to do for awhile but was never motivated enough for change. With my sister's wedding coming up and my pending trip to Australia, and wanting to get back into jogging again, I decided to literally and figuratively get off my ass. And I found a program that will aide in the process.
I've eliminated all fried foods from my diet. The only thing I can't get away from is diet coke. Isn't it enough that I gave up coke classic?! Too much change can shock a system and even on my good days I'm a colossal bitch. One thing at a time.
I've signed up for 3 months of this hell. Every morning from 6 am to 7 am a trainer will be harping on me to push myself. I may want to kill her, but I'll push myself. And hopefully this'll help get me back on track. There are going to be mornings that I want to throw the alarm across the room, pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. But I won't. I can't. Not now because this is costing me far too much money and now you 3 people know and some of you will harp about it and expect to see results.
I'm also doing the Sun Run this year. It happens April 20, so I have a little more than 3 months to get up to a 10K run that doesn't leave me grossly out of breath and finishing the run the next day. About 10 of my co-workers have signed up and we're entering as a team and if there's one thing about me, is that despite my complete lack of motivation these past few years and my general laziness, I am pretty competitive and don't like losing. There are runners in our office so I know I won't come close to beating them but I want to beat the rest of the people in our office.
Because not only am I doing all this crazy fitness boot camp at 6 freakin' am in the morning, I'm also doing Sun Run training in the evening. Like I said, when I get a mission, I get a mission.
So, feel free to ask me if I'm keeping with the plan or did I turn total loser and flake out. Call me names, spank my ass. Wait, different scenario. I will not lie about my training. If I say I haven't gone in a week after being asked, I'll say it, then feel guilty and get going. My sister calls me and says, "did you exercise today fatso?" But she's the only one doing that. I delayed buying my dress for her wedding because I want to get down at least 2 dress sizes before her big day. Three months of hell. Man I'm going to be in full on bitch mode until this is done. More so than usual. If the Oilers start losing again, God help us all!Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ryan Smyth