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Oops...falling behind. Story of my life, eh.

I spent the weekend planning a whole wedding. I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I'm not going to fret.

My sister, having wanted to get married this past year, hasn't done a great job planning it. I woke up Saturday morning and realized it's just a couple of months away and she hasn't firmed up any plans. So on Saturday we bought the wedding dress, reserved and paid for the Church, decided on the menu, worked on the wedding invitations (just waiting for confirmation from the hotel), bought the bridesmaid dresses, the flower girl dress, the rings, the photographer, the wedding favours, the music.

While reading up on the wedding favours, it said that it's not necessary but should be personal. So, I told my sister, you should get it engraved with your names, the date of the wedding and at the bottom, "Let's Go Oilers!" and she was all over it. She finds it completely hilarious. Primarily because she's getting married back home. And home is canuck country. We're the only Oiler fans. Now she's brainwashing the kids. At the wedding reception when everyone's banging on glasses for the bride and groom to kiss, she's training them to shout, "Let's Go Oilers!"

She's running out of patience with Mom. She thinks Mom wants it "too extravagant" while she (my sister) would be happy having a plain wedding and the reception at my Grandfather's favourite chinese restaurant, and the dance at a bar. Of course we're just joking about that. She thinks Mom's plans are getting to be too much. I told her to just let Mom have her fun, this is the only wedding they're ever going to pay for. Not to mention when Mom got married, I don't think she had to have her dream wedding. My Grandparents did not approve of my Dad. They forbade her to ever marry him and they were not going to attend the wedding in protest. So she didn't have the support from them. In fact, right up to the hour of her wedding, her uncle was set to give her away. My Grandparents had a change of heart and my Grandfather ended up walking down the aisle so I think Mom's just making sure she's "there" for my sister. Let her have her fun, I say.

Just finalizing the flowers and the wedding cake, etc. I'm trying not to be jaded and cynical about the whole process. I believe those that marry believe they can be faithful and love and honour the person they supposedly love with everything they have. Things always look good in theory, flawed in reality. She is marrying a pretty decent bloke.

Am I the only one to find it ironic that whole foods uses plastic bags, plastic cutlery, plastic containers, etc.? And I think that if you drive to Whole Foods in a big gas guzzling SUV while wearing dead animals, people should be allowed to slap you around a bit.

The Oilers are currently leading the falmers 2-0 in the 2nd period.

Oh, and I have a wonderful trip planned for next week. I leave for Regina on Sunday, fly from Regina to Ottawa on what can only be described as a long flight to hell Monday night and they're probably going to want me to fly out Tuesday night but since they want me there I'm going to tell them I'm staying until Wednesday morning as that's entirely too much flying time for one person to do in three days and like hell am I going to worry about finances when I have a hell of a lot of money still left in my travel budget that needs to be used before the end of this fiscal year.

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  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
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Grace 2006
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