I figure I should post a picture of my brand new car:
I double booked meetings for Wednesday. I had to cancel one and made up a lame excuse to explain why I won't be going.
Work's been super busy lately. In fact, right up to the time of this post, I've been answering emails.
I'll also have to work next Friday when it's supposed to be a day off for the office. So I'll take Monday off instead.
This weekend is going to prove interesting. If you don't have a blackberry, there's this thing called "PIN". It's basically text messages over the blackberry. Where emails are obviously traceable through your company's server, PIN's aren't. Throughout the weekend staff/friends/people I don't know from other walks of life that have blackberrys will PIN. Well, because the office has grown so much over the past year, we need a new server at work. I got an email today - and so did everyone in our office - saying we MUST hand in all electronic equipment so they can be set up for the new server - laptop computers and blackberrys - by 4 pm Friday. That's a whole weekend where people cannot PIN or email. And you won't even be able to check emails on the remote server as they haven't corrected the problem what with server migration.
I want webcams set up of co-workers who are constantly on their blackberrys to see them go through withdrawals and everything. That'd be amusing.
After New Zealand, I detached myself from my blackberry.
Speaking of NZ, I have to phone my cellphone carrier. The bastards charged me with roaming web browser that cost about $90.00 when I didn't do any mobile browsing. Why the hell would I do that? Fuckers. I may threaten them with leaving again given Rogers will now be featuring the iPhone and you know I'm apple's bitch.
Labels: Go Oilers Go, I love Ales Hemsky, I love Ryan Smyth, Obama 2008