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I was much more interesting (if possible) when I was bitter and angry all the time.

Now I'm freakin' more boring than usual.

Don't worry. I'm working on becoming angry and bitter again.

Hockey's helping a lot.

Along with stupid members of the opposite gender.

I had to prioritize my online activities while at work since my downtime is so infrequent.

This morning I sat in on some preliminary meetings regarding new legislation. Exciting stuff. But confidential.

This afternoon I'm making a constructive effort to track down this community to have one of their citizens sit on a national committee. I've been leaving voicemail and phone messages since I got back from Ottawa and it's starting to piss me off. Don't they know who I am? Don't they know I'm wanting to help them?! RETURN MY CALLS! I'm typing this message because instead of being polite with my phone messages I got a little bit angry so now I'm on hold to talk to the mayor or whatever so why not blog instead of facebook?

And you can find me on facebook if you're looking for me. I keep that open at work and look at messages and emails when I have the time.

I'm off to Calgary next week. I love it when meetings coincide with family events. I'll be in Calgary for my niece's birthday now and don't have to pay to get there.

This job is sweet.

Which doesn't bode well for me being bitter and angry.

And now I'm all happy and sweet because I finally have a task completed after being unsuccessful for a month and it ends the work week well.

Can you believe I gave up golfing for work? I had the option of participating in a charity golf tournament this afternoon but chose to work instead. How insane is that? I used to golf a lot growing up to complete the foursome with my Dad and brothers. And then when I was going away to school, I'd go golfing with my Dad when I went home because it was easier to hit him up for money while on a golf course than sitting around at home.

I'm also now the proud owner of 4 seats to 6 Oiler games. I bought 2 mini-packs for their weekend games. Having these will give me priority picks for next season and some playoff games this year. And I don't need any grief about them even making the playoffs. I know what the odds are. I just don't care. I bought 4 so my sister can always go with her family if I don't make it. And if I can make it, it means her fiance stays home or one of the kids does.

I miss home. I'm hoping some meetings come up that allows me to visit since I'm not eligible for vacation days for another month or so.

I'll work on bitter and angry though. I think I preferred myself better.

Next post I'll talk about my suicidal tendancies at work.

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About me

  • Grace
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • jealous, insecure,narcissistic, paranoid, and delusional
  • My profile

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Grace 2006
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